Monday, March 30, 2009

All I Want For EASTER is MY Two Front Teeth???

Emma lost her other front tooth on Saturday afternoon making her my only child to have both front teeth missing at the same time. I think it's sooooo cute when kids have the big gap in front! I thought I would share a few pictures.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Science Olympiad

Yesterday was the regional event for Aaron's Science Olympiad team.
This has been a tough year for the team because we had a new school built which took many of our strong team members. We had prepared the team that there was a chance that we might not make it to State. We were keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for at least 5th or 6th place (6th place and up move on to state). The kids on our team worked hard and stayed focused all year and it payed off. We took 3rd place!! We are still pinching ourselves today to make sure it was real. The kids did such a great job!!

Aaron competed in 4 events (the max we allow). He took 2nd place in Ecology and Road Scholar (maps), and 3rd place in Pentahalon (it's like a relay race). The only event he didn't place in was robots (they placed 5th).

Aaron showing me his metal for Ecology (I didn't have my camera ready when they announced it so I missed him picking it up)

3rd place Pentahalon team!

Aaron and Taylor - 2nd place Road Scholar!

The team celebrating their 3rd place win!

Maple Grove Middle School Scioly team

Monday, March 2, 2009

Not much to report

It's been a quiet couple of months. We've all been taking turns being sick, so that has kept the activities to a minimum (I'm talking like 6 weeks of sickies).

Logan is still having fun learning to play the guitar, Emma LOVES every minute of ballet, and Aaron and his team are getting ready for Science Olympiad regionals. Aaron signed up to be in Robo Cross this year (along with 3 other events). He and his friend built a robot and then have trained to run it on a course with multiple tasks that need to be done in a 3 minute (or less) period. It has been very time consuming, but I think he's really enjoying it.

Last week I went to a Obama campaign reunion potluck. It was really good to see all the good friends I've made over the last year. We have plans for several service project over the next few months. It will be good to hang out and do some good at the same time.