Monday, March 2, 2009

Not much to report

It's been a quiet couple of months. We've all been taking turns being sick, so that has kept the activities to a minimum (I'm talking like 6 weeks of sickies).

Logan is still having fun learning to play the guitar, Emma LOVES every minute of ballet, and Aaron and his team are getting ready for Science Olympiad regionals. Aaron signed up to be in Robo Cross this year (along with 3 other events). He and his friend built a robot and then have trained to run it on a course with multiple tasks that need to be done in a 3 minute (or less) period. It has been very time consuming, but I think he's really enjoying it.

Last week I went to a Obama campaign reunion potluck. It was really good to see all the good friends I've made over the last year. We have plans for several service project over the next few months. It will be good to hang out and do some good at the same time.


Cynthia said...

I just want to say thanks so much for your prayers, I know we don't talk that much but it is such a great feeling to know that I can always count on you. Your an amazing person and I wish we had more time together. We need to make a date for lunch and stick to

Glad to her the kids are doing good and keeping busy. I was just looking at Alexis scrapbook and the pictures of her and Aaron in his crib are just so cute. Cray how time flies!

keep in touch=)

Cynthia said...

I hope you all feel beter!
We need to hang out soon!!