*Disclaimer: I didn't take any of these pictures. I got them from a site where people that worked with the campaign uploaded their pictures to share with everyone.
I thought I would add a bit about my adventure in campaigning for Obama. I started back in January by helping out in Washington for our caucus. I was a prescient captain, which meant that I did a bunch of phonebanking before our caucus and then I was a campaign rep on the day of. I passed out pamphlets and stickers, and then did tally work for the campaign and reported our the numbers to the state campaign office. I was terrified when I walked in there. Most of you know me...I'm shy. I didn't know what to expect from our little town, but just like everywhere else in the country, we had triple the people they expected. Obama took our area with 65% of the vote. Yipee!!
I was really bummed when our state was done with the primary. I really wanted to be more involved. So when I heard that the Portland office was opening I jumped at the chance to get involved. I posted about that first day down below.
After that day I spent 4-5 days a week working on the campaign. Towards the end of the primary I was there 6 days a week. I spent hours and hours canvassing, and phone banking. Most days I would get home around 10pm. I even learned how to run my own canvass and phone bank. It was an amazing time. I loved our office and all of the volunteers. I made some really great friends. We had young, old, black, white, hispanic, asian, american indian, gay, straight. You name it, and it was represented. There was such a energy there it's hard to explain.
The last week of the primary Barack (President-Elect Obama) came for a rally at the waterfront. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to volunteer. It was a beautiful day, sunny, clear and warm (85). I was the first person people came across in the secure zone. By the end of the day I had NO voice (from greeting the 75,000 people that came that day) and was fried beyond belief (I even re-applied sun block all day). It was such a wonderful day and I even got to meet the man himself! After I greeted all of the people we took jugs of water around to re-fill water bottles (you don't want people passing out because of the heat). Once he came out on stage I was stuck in the middle of the crowd. I couldn't see him, and I was soooooo stinking hot! I working my way out of the crowd and found shade in the "behind the scenes area "(the volunteer badge came in handy). I came across two other volunteers and we found some shade. After sitting there for about 15 mins (we found a perfect spot where we could see the stage) we realized that behind us was his bus! (whoo0hoo!). When he was done he came back our way. He was nice enough to take the time to shake our hands and talk to us for a minute. It was a fabulous day!
After that he won Oregon and then the primary!
We moved on the the general election. It was long hours and hard work but we did it! Election night was great. We all had worked our butts off all day canvassing and closed down the office an hour before the polls closed. We went inside and watched the returns. It was an amazing moment to be with all of those people that you worked so hard with for so long and see our hard work pay off. There were tears and cheers. It's a day I will never forget!
That night we went to an election party for the democratic party. Boy.... are they boring. It was for a senator (Merkely) and many of the reps and other office holders. We ended up leaving to go meet some people at a restaurant/bar. As soon as we walked in our field organizer gets a call that there are hundred of people partying in the street in front of our office. We raced over to see what was going on. People had plugged a stereo with speakers into our twinkle lights that hung on our office (you know into the extra plug thing that always that the end of the string of lights??). They were dancing in the streets. The police had come and told us and as long as people stay on the sidewalk they wouldn't shut us down. It was amazing! People were on cloud nine. We (my friend Meg and I) finally left about 1:30. She is going through chemo and was very worn out.
The next day we closed down the office. The whole day as people drove past they would honk their horns and yell "thank you" out the window to us.
It was a very bittersweet day. We are planning to get together one more time before the inauguration. Some are going to DC, but most of us will be here. It was be great to see them again.

Totally jealous of the person that took this picture!

Little girl at the rally. I loved to see the excitement in the children.

Canvass packets! Never ending canvass packets!

Excitement at one of our office BBQ's! My sweet friend Ana Rosa. She was hilarious!

One of the BBQ's. I'm there in the green shirt next to the guy in the yellow.

Our organizers with Dulle' Hill. He's the guy in the show Psych. He came up here to help out.

Our field organizer showing the girls how to canvass
Me and cardboard Obama at the Mississippi street fair. I STILL have some scars from the sunburn I got that day (I know...sun block. I do put it on, I just never do it enough).
Our NE Portland Office. The best office in the country!!
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