Aaron had another great year in middle school, reaching state in both Science Olympiad and track. He also enjoyed his time in jazz band where he learned to play the tenor sax along with the alto that he has played the past two years (the band teacher is already talking about Aaron learning the baritone sax next year). He also started working at his first job (is he really that old?). He is working 3 days a week at a fly fishing shop in town. He is also looking forward to a high adventure activity with scouts at the end of July.
(yes I know I've used this picture before, but Aaron is never around)
Logan has said good-bye to his primary school days and moved on to the middle school. He is looking forward to playing soccer, the trumpet, and joining science olympiad. He ended the year by receiving the Outstanding Student Award (YAY Logan!). He is excited for his upcoming cub camp (this is his last year!).
Logan has said good-bye to his primary school days and moved on to the middle school. He is looking forward to playing soccer, the trumpet, and joining science olympiad. He ended the year by receiving the Outstanding Student Award (YAY Logan!). He is excited for his upcoming cub camp (this is his last year!).
Emma had a wonderful 1st grade year . She had a great class and made many new friends. She also found her new love this year....ballet. She will spend the month of July going to ballet camp 3 days a week. She also received the Outstanding Student award for her grade (YAY Emma!).

Showing off their awards
On the last day of school the whole staff lines up
outside to wave good-bye to the kids. It's known
as the "Maple Grove Wave". Once the wave is
done you know it is officially summer! :)